cameroon gce june 2017 Geography Paper 2


Stud y the Map E xtract of Cambrid ge (1:50.000) provided and answer the questions that follo w: (a) Identify and state the features fo und at the follo wing grid references:

(i) 423532 (ii) 424500 (iii) 440535 (iv) 415590            (v) 403515

(5 marks)

(b) (i) State the rail way distance fro m the statio n near Foxton (409488) to the junction with the branch fro m the so uth at Great Shelford (462532).

(ii) Calculate the bearing and state the direction o f the church at 413483 fro m 4 35492

(6 marks)




Co mment o n: (i) T he distributio n o f woodland over the map.

(ii) T he drainage o f the area south of Northing 55.


(8 marks)




Using map evidence o nly, describe the situation and functions of the settlement o f

Cambridge                                                                                                                    (11 marks)

(Total = 30 marks)







  1. 2. (a)

Define the follo wing geogr aphical ter ms: (i)        Weather ing

(ii)       Volcanicity

(iii)     Hydrolo gical ( water) cycle

(iv)      Ocean currents






(8 marks)







Briefly describe the inter -relatio nship that exists between climate, soil and vegetation i n the tropical grassland regio n.                                                                                   (6 mar ks)


Explain three (3) causes o f global war ming.


(6 marks)

(Total 20 marks)




  1. 3. (a) Use the words evaporation, precipitation, evapotranspiration, condenses to fill the

blank spaces in the paragraph that follo ws: WXYZ. Write the letter and the corresponding

answer in yo ur ans wer booklet.

In the air__W__occurs when the sun war ms up the sea and the land. Water o n and in the

leaves o f plants is ‘breathed out’ thro ugh ____ X ___ . If air rises and cools, the water

vapo ur in it ___Y __  to for m clo uds, which mo ve about the sky blo wn b y wind s if eno ugh water co ndenses, clo ud s can gro w and may release ___ Z ___ usually in the for m o f rain

or snow                                                                                                                            (4 marks)


(b)       With the aid o f well labelled diagrams o nly, d escribe how latitud e and alotitud e influence the temper ature o f a place                                                                                                       (8 marks)

(c)    Explain why a man fro m Yaounde, Cameroon (11°E), telep hones a b usiness partner in

Montreal Canada (75°W), at 2 p m, b ut the par tner receives the call b ut at 8.00 pm?

(2 marks)


(d)                        (i) Slate the biomes labelled XYZ on the WORLD MAP provided







4.Study the table below which provide some characteristics of FOUR unnamed countries




Countr y

Birth Rate Death Rate  GNP per % of Population
per 1000 per 1000 Head US S in Agriculture
A 48 18 100 76
B 25 7 3020 60
C 13 1 1 19,950 3
D 36 15 18.086 7


(a) State:
(i) T he most likely LIC (ii) T he most likely AI C



(2 marks)
(b) (i) Descr ibe the likely char acteristics o f Countr y ‘A’. (4 marks)
(ii) Acco unt for any o ne o f such character istics, (8 marks)

(c) Suggest what LI Cs should do to change to NI Cs in the follo wing areas: (i) Agriculture
(ii) Industr ial develop ment (6 marks) (Total = 20marks)


5          (a)        Briefl State two differences between Rural and Urban settlements                             (3 marks)



(b)     i )With reference to examples. describe Four problems caused b y the rapid gro wth of cities.                                                                                                           (6 marks)

ii) Describe briefly the measures used to solve TWO o f the problems raised in

b(i)(4 marks)

(c) (i)

 State FOUR (4) reasons for the creation o f any Multip urpose River Development project

ii) T HREE (30 import ance o f such a project to the eco nomy o f the co untr y

( 3 m a r k s )








Classify the follo wing into elements of the physical and human enviro nment:

(i) Seme Beach L i mbe  ( ii) Korup Park  (iii) La ke Awings   (iv) Aya ba Hotel  (v)

M enc hum  Falls  (vi) Bamenda Fort  (vii) Wi dik um -Nj ikwa G oril la Sanctuary

(viii) Mankon Fon’s Pal ace  (ix) Prim e M inister’s Lodge, Bue  (x) Mount Fako


(5 marks)





What measures is the government o f Cameroon p ulling in place to protect its forest resources?                                                                                                                         (6 marks) Descr ibe the problems o f the develop ment o f road transport in Cameroo n?


(9 marks) (Total = 20 ma rks)




(a)       Draw a sketch map o f Cameroon to sho w the main areas where the follo wing resources are fo und :


(i) Rainforest (ii) Petroleum (iii ) fish ( iv) Gold

( 7 m a r k s )


(b)         Select one o f these reso urces and state the importance of its exploitatio n to the countr y.

(4 marks)



(c) Describe the measures the government is p utting in place to make the economy emer ge by

2035 in the areas of EITHER agriculture or energy





(5 marks)

Briefly state FOUR reasons for the high pop ulatio n density in the coastal area s of



(4 marks) (Total= 20 ma rks)




( 4 m a r k s )

T HREE (30 import ance o f such a project to the eco nomy o f the co untr y

( 3 m a r k s ) ( T o t a l = 2 0 m a r k s )


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