cameroon gce O level June 2024 religious studies 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 religious studies 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 religious studies 1

It is an importance of well-formed conscience:
A having respect and being upright
B always respecting the conscience
C most of social problems are prevented
D having to control negative desires
10. A marriage of one to more than one without any
specification is called:
A polygamy
B polyandry
C polygyny
D bigamy
Which of the following is an importance of
A It instills honesty, truthfulness and respect in
the citizens
B It enables the individuals to be assiduous
C It helps the citizens to reduce smoking rates
D Some citizens can desire to strike
A person who has no home and wonders around is
called a/an:
A traveller
B perigrinus
C vagus
D incola
I I.
Which of the following constitutes a
genuine friendship?
A Unconditional love
B Practice of moderation
C Plenty of time shared
D Avoid occasions for quarrels
When parents do not care about what their
children do, this can result to:
A disagreement or problems in the family.
B break up of family ties.
C divided love for children by parents.
D failure of apology and forgiveness.
j. 12.
4. What is sexuality?
A It is our gender identity.
B It is sexual orientation
C It is the sexual feelings we experience
towards other people.
D It is our way of life.
What is celibacy?
A A state where one chooses to remain
unmarried for the sake of the kingdom.
B A state of staying unmarried after the death of
a spouse.
C A state of long term loneliness after turning
down suitors.
D A state of being unmarried because of
religion or profession.
5. Love rooted in parents and children is :
A philia
B storge
C agape
D erotic
An abortion caused not because the pregnancy
endangers the life of a woman is:
A induced.
B spontaneous.
C therapeutic.
D legal.
Which of the following is a quality of love?
A Love for enemies.
B Love is conceited.
C Love keeps a record of wrongs.
D Love gives up or surrenders.
15. HIV can be present in all of the following body
fluids EXCEPT:
A semen
B blood
C saliva
D sweat
Any circumstance which renders a marriage
invalid is referred to as:
A hindrance
B barrier
C impediment
D blockage
16. “Please the pain is unbearable; just kill me so
that I can rest”. What is this request for?
Pain killing
Aided suicide
The legal breakdown in civil marriage is known as:
A annulment
B divorce
C separation
D dissolution
8. A
The doctrine of double effect holds that:
A an action has unintended effects.
B an action has both justifiable effects and
foreseen effects.
C an action has intended effects and foreseen
D it is permitted to cause a foreseen bad effect
in an action.
What is marriage?
A A wilful union between a man and a woman.
B An exclusive and enduring union of love
between a man and a woman.
C A legally recognized union between two
I) A man will leave his father and mother and
cling to his wife till death do them part.

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