chapter 1 : population movement in cameroon 19th century

chapter 1 : population movement in cameroon 19th century

chapter 1 : population movement in cameroon 19th century

Before and during the 19th century, the population of Cameroon was very mobile.  The major groups of people who were constantly migrating during and before the 19th century were the Tikar (Kom, Nso, Bamum, Bafut, Bamileke and Ndu), Chamba, and Fulani. They were equally minor tribes such as the Pigmies, Shuwa Arabs and the Kotokos. The direction of these movements was from the Northern part of Cameroon to the South. As a result of these movements it’s difficult for any ethnic group in Cameroon to claim with authority any part of Cameroon as an inalienable right. These various movements were caused by both positive (pull) factors and negative (push) factors which can be grouped into political, economic, social and geographical or natural factors.

political causes of population movement in cameroon

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