competence based assessment in teaching

competence based assessment in teaching

competence based assessment in teaching

CBA . Procedure to enter into a CBA lesson when already in class, chalkboard partitioned, subject title and date written:

  1. test previous knowledge;
  2. last question on previous knowledge should help you announce your lesson for the day;
  3. write the lesson title on the chalkboard;
  4. present a situation in real life and ask for actions to solve the problem;
  5. frame a justification (relevance) of the lesson to the learners;
  6. announce your learning objectives;
  7. begin your lesson. Try as much as possible to vary your teaching/learning methods in the different didactic sequences of your lesson.

Note that point 4 & 5 have been separated in this posting to facilitate understanding. The two constitutes what we call justification.

1) Module
2) Topic
3) Lesson
4) Teaching Methods
5) Competence
6) Assignment.
  1. MODULE : should contain the topics/chapters ,at times ,2 or 3 or 4 topics in one module. So when writing the module , write all the topics involved in that module. Module should be written once ,new module is written when all the topics/chapters written in the previous module has been taught.
  2. TOPIC :should be found in your module above. Should be written repeatedly until the lessons(sub topics) involved in the topic are completely taught.
  3. LESSON : Sub topic(s) from the Topic written above, what you are to teach that moment. Is written once (for a well prepared lesson that fits the time frame), so prepare your lesson in such a way it fits the time you are to teach.
  4. METHODS : List all the Methods used in the process of ditching out the lesson. At least 3 teaching Methods should be apply.
  5. COMPETENCE : CBA should be apply. When filling the log book ,here on Competence , you may start with the phrase “The students can ” OR “The students are able ” ,don’t start with the phrase ” The students should be able ” , that’s OBA. You then know what to add to end the phrase. Still on Competence ,you copy one of the word problem (real life situation) you gave the students in class. End it with a diagram or a formula if any, gotten from the lesson. A lesson difficult to get a word problem( real life situation) then copy a structural question in the place of ‘real life situation’ .
  6. Assignment : Just copy one of the assignments you gave the students in class, be it from the workbook or from your prepared lesson. If you may want to write a question from the workbook to the log book , copy the question completely , don’t write it as a reference i.e “page 34 , exercise 2.4” ,this is because if an inspector comes he/she may not have the time to check the question from the workbook or may not even find the workbook to see if the question has a link with the lesson.
  7. Date column e.g. Monday 5th Oct 2020 ,this can be check quickly because of the day and month clearly spelt. Not 05/10/2020 The day, date , month and year should be stated .
  8. Time column e.g 7:30am to 9:00am 1:15pm to 2:45pm Not 7:30am ——– 9:00am , using (—– ) means your earliest starting time is 7:30am but must not start at 7:30am and latest ending time is 9:00am but must not end at 9:am. Attach am or pm where necessary, be specific. We prefer time should be written based on British system ,not French system e.g 13:15 to 14:15.


The teachers needs to give 2 ‘real life situation’ questions in class, the first question is written at the beginning of your lesson, don’t explain or solve ,the students will read it during diagnostic/discovery approach, they are bound to discover the present lesson of the day with the nature of the word problem. Go ahead and present your lessons to students after discovery/diagnostic , apply the method of Analicing & synthetic for some subjects. When done, solve/explain by given the solution of the “real life situation” you gave to the students at the beginning of the lesson.

You now give second “real life situation” ,this time you don’t solve/explain ,the students solve ,give them a time frame to solve/explain e.g 5 minutes ,you fill the log book at this time ,you now move from desk to desk to see what the students are actually doing. Ask them to exchange their books (forwards, backwards), this time produced the solution quickly, they mark the books , do not tell them to give the owners books, tell all those who mark correctly to raise their hands up ,if the number of hands raised are :
A) 4/4 as class fraction , lesson 💯% passed. “Excellent”.
B) 3/4 as class fraction, lesson 75% passed . “Good”.
C) 2/4 or 1/2 as class fraction, lesson 50% passed . “Average”. Try to revise your strategy
D) 1/4 as class fraction, lesson 25% passed. “Poor” . Lesson might not be well prepared rather in a rush ,not well mastered, teacher using text book in class or phone to teach or lack of class management .
E) 0/4 ,as class fraction, lesson 💯% failed . “Useless”. Lesson should be updated and repeated , don’t start a new lesson.
CBA says
You evaluate your lesson with a ” *real* *life* *situation* ” question ,that’s competency , not structural or mcqs questions but can still be given in the lesson . Structural and mcqs are subsets of Objective Based Approach (OBA) . While Competency (real life situation) is CBA ,with this type of approach the students scope of reasoning doesn’t end in the classroom but can be applied in their day to day life activities
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