Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock history 2

Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock history 2

Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock history 2

EXTRACT We neednoID fighting : andbeatingwithout fault andnoimpositigBi°I? –
“… It will be your taskto demonstrate to the Kings and Chiefs the advantages they will have when protectedby the
KaiserofGermany.IfyoupresentthingsproperlytotheseKingsand j nothave any doubtthatyouwillbe
successful. It seems to be that the difficulty is to finish all prepara i o n before the English get wind of them and
itforestall …”Source us.The :Batey Moewe George willbe Eno with ,EFFECTIVE you.TheCameroons MODERN must illSTtjK become ^rni before IEGES theEnglish P.P.have 1718 aliking (Edited for)
1,a)i.Inwhich YearwastheLettercontainedinExtractIwritten?
ii. SuggesttheNameoftheBritishMonarchaddressedinthe Leu ‘DearestMadam’.
iii. Who wasthe‘English Consul’referredtointheLetter?
iv IdentifytheProminentDoua’aKingwholedtheotherCoasta ^ ^LettertQtJieBritish
ii. NameanyotherEuropeanPowerthatwas activealongthe Cameroo
iii.Nmmftf/re Tradingfirmthat wasownedbytheEuropeanPowerthatyoumentioned in(b)(ii)above.
ayingthe trusts withoutNotice…
b) i.By whatName is the Document from which ExtractIIis taken usually known and in which Year was itproduced1:
ii. Identifythe ‘river’which ismentionedinthe extract.
iii Wrifprinum on rinvtt u/hioli flip
** •• A •• JLM »•mM mm m a^/v* mmmmmm m*mmmmm±mw r aa AVAA MAV
Final Treaty ofAnnexation.
iv. Give one reason why the Local Chiefs and Kings did not want the Whitemen to trade directly with the
DonahKings wanted that should be includedinthe
c) i.Identify the Personality referred to in ExtractIIIas the‘Kaiser’.
ii. InwhichMonthand Yeardidthe‘Moewe’arrivetheCameroonCoast?

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