ITC and ATC scheme Cameroon GCE

Following Degree No. 2018/514 of 22 October 2018, the ITC and ATC scheme Cameroon GCE has been reorganized. As a result the Intermediate Advanced, and Professional Level leads to obtaining  the Intermediate(ITC), Advanced(ATC), and Advanced Professional(APC) Certificates respectively. The Minister’s Press Release of 9th August 2019 mandated the Board to commerce assessment of TVEE. A three day workshop took place and their objectives were:

  • To adopt a structure for the Technical and Vocational Education Examination(TVEE) at both the Intermediate and Advanced Level.
  • To determine the pass/fail conditions for both levels of Examination.
  • Decide on the Specialties to be offered this 2020 session and henceforth.
  • To decide on the method and procedure in validating results.


Structure of technical and Vocational Education Examination

Examination subjects for ITC classified as; Professional, Related Professional and Others. Both Professional and Related Professional are compulsory. English and French are also compulsory, while mathematics is only compulsory for industrial students. The minimum subjects to be registered at this level is 9.

For ATC the minimum number of subjects to be registered is six (6). This New Examination Structure for English Technical Schools in Cameroon shall take effect as from the 2020 session. As a result teachers and students are expected to have a copy HERE  of ITC and ATC scheme Cameroon GCE so as to get both the students and teachers acquainted to the new system.


Pass/fail conditions for both levels of ITC and ATC  Cameroon GCE

For the intermediate level, to obtain a pass, a candidate must validate at least FIVE SUBJECTS with at least TWO Professional subjects and ONE Related Professional subject. A candidate may pass in a single subject(s) if he/she does not meet the past condition in his/her Specialty. Absence in any Paper of Professional subjects makes the candidate not to have a pass in the specialty. Such candidate can still obtain a pass in a single subject(s).

Secondly, for the Advanced, the candidate must pass in at least TWO Professional subjects and TWO Related Professional subjects. A candidate who is absent in a Paper of any of the Professional subject will not have a pass in the specialty. A candidate could pass in single subjects even when they do not meet the pass condition for the specialty.


Specialties to be offered this 2020 session of ITC and ATC scheme Cameroon GCE

Specialties for the 2020 Examination Session both Intermediate and Advanced level are available HERE

Also, note that a candidate who want to register for the technical and Vocational Education at the intermediate level must show proof of promotion to Form 5. It must effectively be through a class council. Those for the Advanced level should be:

  • Holder of CAP, BEPC, and GCE O-Level or its equivalence.
  • In addition to that, the candidate must show proof of promotion to Upper-sixth still form a class council.

As for the registration, it takes the form as that of the GCE Ordinary and Advanced level.

Intermediate Level:

  • The Registration fee is 8000 F
  • The Subject fee is 1000 F
  • The Subject Practical fee is 5000 F

Advanced Level:

  • The Registration fee is 9000 F
  • The Subject fee is 2000 F
  • The Subject Practical fee is 5000 F

Practical fee is per practical Subject.


Method and procedure in validating results

Finally The Examination Executive Committee (EEC) of the GCE Board is the main organ. They approve the grade boundaries for each subjects and validates results.

6 comments on “ITC and ATC scheme Cameroon GCE

  • Thanks very much for this information, but us the students in GTHS NKWEN Bamenda we are not happy. We hard a problem during the Mock period we registered for Health safety and environment (H.S.E) but we never wrote the paper , so us the the students we are pleading that we should not have this problem again during the final exams periods. Thanks..

  • Thanks very much for this information, but us the students at GTHS NKWEN Bamenda we are not happy. We hard a problem during the Mock period we registered for Health safety and environment (H.S.E) but we never wrote the paper , so us the the students we are pleading that we should not have this problem again during the final exams periods Thanks..

  • Hello dear administrators, I need the grading system for the TVEE AL please how do I obtain that have searched everywhere to no avail. Hoping to get a copy from you if that is possible thanks for your understanding

  • Hello dear administrators, please i need the sylabus for maths and Engineering science at the ATC level 2022/2023 industrial

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